The time has come to look to the future with a view to relaunching the tourism sector, seeking to accelerate the qualification projects for Cape Verde.
Forme a sua equipa e venha ajudar a reativar e a construir o futuro do Turismo no maior programa de Inovação aberta em Turismo que impulsiona ideias disruptivas para o setor. Inscreva a sua equipa e faça parte desta revolução.
Taking into account the effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on public health and economies, it is necessary to develop disruptive solutions in order to fulfill the objectives of innovating and improving the quality of tourist infrastructure and services provided through technology. Considering the weight of the sector, the accommodation and catering units are clearly the key agents for success.
Estratégias para minimizar o impacto da pandemia do COVID-19 nos subsetores do turismo, ou seja, agências de viagens, os guias do Turismo e os transportes através da adesão ao novo cenário global e tecnológico, procurando acompanhar a evolução digital, inovando e transformando os seus serviços e produtos por forma a fomentar o seu crescimentosd económico, sem descurar a segurança sanitária.
Innovative approaches to the decentralization of National Tourism, with a strong emphasis and bet on resources with potential on each island, as well as characteristic tourist products, allowing to diversify the offer and make the demand more attractive, by the range of possible complementary experiences to acquire.
Technology is the nervous system of intelligent tourist destinations. It is essential to take into account the new business models and their disruptive objectives, which contribute and benefit tourists.
It is necessary to minimize the dependence that small tourism businesses have on the public sector, without intelligent governance it is not possible to have an intelligent tourist destination. The strategy is to empower business leaders.
Solutions to adapt pre-covid-19 tourist experiences to the new health protocols, preserving or improving the tourist experience in obtaining visas and migratory controls, obeying security protocols.
This pillar transversal to all activities of a business, technology can be an important ally in the preservation of nature and in the relationship with the local community.
Map the needs of organizations
Identify the Problem / Opportunity
Customer Survey (Predefined Areas)
Problem statements
Opportunities Directory
Public appeal for proposals for innovative solutions
Solutions, based on technologies and processes
Submission of applications
Selection of eligible teams
Publication of selected
Team upskilling, followed by a 54-hour hackathon to develop MVP solutions.
Upskiling: technical and business
Selection of Winners
Market Fit
Value offer
Innovation Level
Minimum Viable Product Planning (MVP)
Minimum Features
Business model
Scalability Level
Multidisciplinarity of the Team
Team Specialty Vs Project Need
Does the team composition cover all the key areas for implementation? (Technique, Design, Management, Marketing)